The Four Agreements is a self-help book by Don Miguel Ruiz that promotes personal freedom and happiness through four powerful agreements. The book, translated into Farsi, has become increasingly popular, inspiring readers around the globe to transform their lives by living according to these agreements.

So, what are the Four Agreements in Farsi?

1. « از حرف های خود ناراحت کنید »

The first agreement in Farsi translates to « Be impeccable with your word. » This means that we should always speak with integrity, say only what we mean, avoid using words to harm others, and use our words in the direction of truth and love.

2. « هیچ وقت نگیرید که آن را شخصی بگیرید »

The second agreement, « Don`t take anything personally, » reminds us not to take things personally and not to make assumptions. We should not assume that anyone`s actions are because of us and avoid taking things personally since it can lead to unnecessary suffering and drama.

3. « تنها چیزی که مطئمن کاریست که قطعاً عوض خواهد شد »

The third agreement, « Don`t make assumptions, » reminds us not to assume and make conclusions without proper evidence. Making assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary judgment, which can be harmful.

4. « همیشه بهترین خود باشید »

The fourth agreement, « Always do your best, » encourages us to put our best efforts into everything we do, without expecting any reward or recognition. Our best changes from moment to moment, so we should strive to do our best in each situation.

In conclusion, The Four Agreements in Farsi are powerful principles that guide us toward living a life free from self-limiting beliefs, suffering, and drama. By following these agreements, we can transform our lives and create a fulfilling future. Always remember to be impeccable with your words, avoid taking things personally, avoid assumptions, and always do your best.